Wednesday, October 15, 2014

STEM geeky stuff

Neato keen new learning tools:

  1. A pen to write circuits! oooooooo!

    The kickstarter got funded and they are now for sale.

  2. Plus a cool game-based question system, Kahoot

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Shadowing students to reflect on teaching practice

A wonderful way to think about teaching. And what a fantastic job that would be. Even better if teachers and students could elect someone to the post.

A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days – a sobering lesson learned

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3D printing

Oh man! A whole year to catch up on learn from! Start: One 3D print every day from home, for a year  to finish.Terrific notes, helps all Makerbot users. Thanks @Mathgrrl

And for some serious home tinkering with a 3D printer, check out what Peter from Sweden has made in a year.

Oh, and... LISAJ DEMPSTER IS GOING TO MARS! On NASA's Orion test flight Dec. 2 2014. Here's my boarding pass:

You can too (send your name to Mars)